The ceiling fan we had been lusting after for ages went on sale. We couldn't help ourselves, so we bought it for the family room. Naturally, we figured while all in stock ceiling fans were on sale, we might as well replace the hideous one in our Master Bedroom as well with
this one. So, after a long battle, Jason got them installed. Thank you, honey. Here he is showing off some of his handiwork.

I have spent a great deal of time getting ready for Evening of Excellence and focusing on our theme "Arise and shine forth, that thy
light may be a standard for the nations." D&C 115:5. (Yep I'm tying these two things together with that weak of a link). I made a video with all the pictures we've taken at activities, camp, etc. throughout the year. And, after stalking some girls houses, I was able to get an individual picture of each of our girls for it. It was a HUGE project and thank you to everyone (Karyn, Andrea and Jason) who helped me with it. At least I was able to count it for one of my 10 hour projects. We leaders are doing Personal Progress along with the girls in the new Presidency.
Anyway, Evening of Excellence went really well. Karyn gave a great talk. The video was well received. The treats were yummy. And, the girls were darling. I just wish we could've gotten more of them out.
It felt weird to take pictures of this rather spiritual event. So, instead I'll make you all laugh with a hilarious song I found about Testimony Meetings. Note: this will probably only be funny to you if you are
LDS or have attended an LDS fast and testimony meeting lately. To hear it, click