Now for those of you who didn't know me as a kid, I have to provide a little history. When I was about 3 or 4 years old, my mom took me to see the original "Superman" with Christopher Reeve and that was it. I honestly thought I was Superman. My mom went out and got me my own cape and I was set. I got out an old blue polyester suit and popped the lenses out of an old pair of sunglasses and I was set. I spent hours and hours of my childhood "being" Superman.
So needless to say, I was all sorts of excited to go see this movie and, I have to say, it didn't disappoint. First of all, the casting was amazing. Brandon Routh did an incredible job. There were times in the movie where he looked and acted EXACTLY like Chrisopher Reeve. It was amazing. And as much as I have to give Gene Hackman credit for being one of the better actors in the industry, Kevin Spacey was absolutely phenomenal as Lex Luther. He was brilliant and I loved to hate him.
I don't want to give away any of the story line for anyone who hasn't seen it, but it was fun, interesting, exciting and intense the entire time. I loved this movie and give it high recommendations.
I do have to say, thought that I did have one problem/complaint about it (that I didn't even notice until Melinda pointed it out). They had too many completely overt comparisions between Superman and "a" (the) savior. Superman is not a god. He is not a savior. But they talked way too much about the "father and the son" and that the world needs a "savior", etc. That isn't ever what Superman was or is supposed to be. So that really bothers me.
But as for the movie on a whole, it was a lot of fun and exciting to watch. Melinda said the costuming was fantastic and she loved EVERYTHING Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane) wore. I'd recommend seeing it to anyone.