After Laura, we didn't think we could be so blessed again. However, lightning has struck twice and Sara is just as beautiful, amazing, brilliant, and full of personality as her big sister. Here are some fun things for you to know about Sara:
We, naturally, think she's incredibly beautiful. We love her dark hair, bright eyes, long neck and fingers, and beautiful skin.

She knows her family and turns towards our voices. She also likes to take up a lot of space. She stretches out her limbs at every chance. Don't you dare try to wrap her arms when you swaddle her. She'll let you have it! Her legs are constantly stretching out. She puts her feet up to be kissed and holds her legs at the most unusual angles. No wonder people at church could see her moving in my belly from across the aisle.
She is incredibly healthy. She is such a little chow-hound. Who knew such a little person could drink so much? She also seems to really enjoy peeing on daddy. There must be something inspiring about him! Here she is burping after one of her gorge fests.
Here she is as she's grown day by day. She has changed so much it's amazing. (Days 1 to 4...the top picture with the bear is day 5)