We had planned on taking
Deb's boys this past Saturday so they could celebrate Joe's birthday. So, when I found out
Steph was going to be without husband on the same day, I figured we'd add Creed to the mix. We dedicated the day to the kids and had a great time playing.
The favorite game (HOURS of entertainment) was pirates. We recently went to
Pirate Island for lunch and the girls were in pirate mode. The kids would "walk the plank" by sliding down the slide. Jason and I would tell them in our best pirate voices to "{pirate name}walk the plank" and "splash" when they reached the bottom. Eliza, who was strapped to me via
Moby Wrap the whole time, thought this dramatic procedure was hilarious and laughed at all of us until she got the hiccups.
Lancing Laura entertained us all by employing many styles of walking the plank.

Captain Creed loved the commentary and we loved the smiles he gave us. Oh yah, he was grinning at me in that last pic. He also adored that the slide was yellow, his favorite color.

Ephraim the Eater (totally not creative, I know) was fearless, would slide down with abandon in any position, and despite being the youngest was the absolute fastest to cycle through.
Swashbuckling Sara, though having the best pirate name, was much more concerned about conquering the rock wall than sliding. She finally did conquer it completely independently and refused to use the stairs all day. She was great at climbing it by the end.
Jousting Jacob was not his usual happy self. And slid down a very limited number of times and without much enthusiasm. He much preferred hanging out inside and watching Monsters, Inc.