We had a huge girl sleepover out our house every night and the girls adored having all their cousins over to chat and laugh until all hours.
Jason and I went to a dinner for just the adults on the first night. It was wonderful! I have really smart and funny siblings, who all married equally smart and funny people, and am blessed to call them all friends!
We spent one great day down at 9 Mile Canyon all together. It's so beautiful and fascinating! It was hot, but neat to show off our unique state to the family from out of town. We had car troubles (a lemon of a battery) but survived them and had a great time despite the troubles.

They combined the grandkids annual treasure hunt as part of the celebration up at the cabin. Jason and I were in charge of this and we went with a Star Wars theme. It was a huge amount of work, but it was really well received and we still see the kids wearing their shirts.

Jason and I had a great time coming up with themed clues and prizes with some of our favorites being Edible Ewoks (Gummy Bears), Princess Leia Buns (Honey Buns), Star Wars Pez, Hans Rolos, and many versions of Lightsabers (bubble wands and real telescoping ones).
The weekend ended with everyone going to dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory. It was wonderful to catch up with the whole family, renew our bonds as cousins and siblings, and celebrate Dad. We were exhausted, but I'd do it all again tomorrow if I could.