We FINALLY finished the updates to Laura's bathroom. It's bittersweet because we'll be starting in on ours almost immediately (ours is growing mold under the linoleum).
We began with the demo and painted before our trip to Florida. We also got the new light fixture and faucet in then. But we've really been pushing to finish lately due to the problems in the Master Bath. Here are the first steps to the remodel with Jason and Dad laying backerboard and Mom and I playing with Laura.

Jason then got the backerboard screwed down (I was at YW of course) and then I sealed the seams. Here's Jason and Laura surprising me when I got home.

We then started laying tile. The space was so small that Jason and I laid the full tiles out first so that we could sit on them to get to the other tiles. Here I am after finishing that day!

Then was the biggest and hardest task of all. The day when we cut and laid the majority of the tile. Mom and Dad took pity on us and helped us for like 6 hours. We ALL worked so hard that evening. I don't think the pizza we got them even comes close to adequate payment. But, it looks BEAUTIFUL.

We then grouted. We have finally learned that grout dries much, much lighter than the swatch from the store. So, this one turned out just right. Here I am a grouting. Mom and Dad helped that day. We'll have to help them by doing some more tiling at the cabin.

After the tile was done, Jason and I painted and installed new baseboards. Jason also hung new cabinet hardware, a towel bar and TP holder. And best of all, after a true battle, Jason and Dad were able to give Laura back her potty. She is thrilled.
Here we are with the nearly finished product. A little art and a storage thing we'll be stealing and refinishing from our bathroom.