We were a bit concerned about 8:30 am church, but it seems to be much better for our family. However, I may begin to complain about the time when I am trying to get an infant and Laura ready on my own. For now, church is much better. Laura prefers the time and is much more calm. I have actually gotten things out of sacrament meeting on this new schedule.
Here she is after her first week. Please note that she was selected as the "Super Singer" for Junior Primary. Have I mentioned that we sing constantly around the house and that she adores singing time?!

I agree with you, 8:30 is hard, but is much better than 2:30, the kids are much happier. But I have had a much harder time with Primary. Church has for so long been about playing with toys for Ashton and is distraught by the fact that we don't play at church anymore. To each his own I guess.