Laura decided on Monday that she wanted to make cupcakes. Because we had dance yesterday, and we knew the cupcakes would take a while to make, we waited to make them until this morning. Laura woke up first thing and remembered that we were making cupcakes and was super excited about it.

Pink frosting was the most important thing, so we had to have chocolate cake to go with the pink frosting. Laura wants you all to know that it was so much fun to make cupcakes and that her favorite part was decorating them. Her hands got messy and her face was all smiles.

Laura helped with every step. She read the ingredient list and poured them all in the bowl. She helped mix and pressed the buttons for the oven and the timer. The papers were all put in by Laura. And, of course, she decorated all 24 cupcakes. They were beautiful and yummy.

We also found one of my favorite treats that has come to our area. It is a wonderful gelato shop called "Maestro". It rivals the yummy gelato I got while in Italy. We found it while out to dinner with Jason's parents and all really enjoyed the treat.
Good times!! Isn't it amazing how much children remember?