Bedroom Decor
I made curtains for both of the girls' rooms. I made Sara's out of the fabric from her dust ruffle that I couldn't use as part of her new bedding set. Laura's was made out of leftover fabric. I think they turned out well and helped the girls' rooms feel more done. One more thing to check off the pre-baby checklist.

Basement Bathroom
The downstairs bathroom is finally completed. That is a major item to check of the pre-baby to do list. We got the decor also at a smokin' Kohl's sale, because we could NOT find another lime green bathmat anywhere to match with an old set. My favorite part of the whole bathroom (other than the real estate that will be loved by teenage girls) is the pictures of my bathing babies on the wall...soooo cute! And, yes, I have a third matching frame just waiting for a picture of baby Eliza.

We got to see our beautiful Eliza on an ultrasound this past week. She is still a girl. She has long legs and is perfectly healthy. Yes, I bawled.
I also got to meet Andrea's beautiful baby girl. It helped me remember that all this pregnant misery really is worth it in the end.

Sara loves to look beautiful. This is how she insisted upon looking when we went to Los Hermanos earlier this week. And yes, she wore this getup almost the whole meal.