Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas 2009: Pre-Vacation
We squeezed in a couple of Christmas things before taking off for Disney. We got all the presents wrapped and purchased. We also got the Christmas Cards mailed out, without a letter this year. Everyone keeps up with us on the blog and/or Facebook, and we really didn't need a letter, right?! And, we got the neighbor gifts out and delivered. It was simple this year; and useful too. I hope it was taken in the right spirit. How would you have taken it?

Santa and Mrs Claus were at Maceys on one of our last runs. Just add it to the list of reasons I love Maceys. Fortunately, I carry a camera in my purse. It was great for the girls to see Santa without a line. And, Mrs Claus was wonderful to Sara.

Karyn's Birthday
I am playing catch-up. This all happened before we left on vacation. We made sure to catch Karyn's birthday before I left. We all went for yummy dinner at Pizza and Pasta Factory. After gorging ourselves (yummy, yummy Italian Soda) we came back to my house and played "Dance Dance Revolution" on the Wii. Yes, we laughed our pants off and these are two of the only acceptable pictures I had of the fun and craziness.

Then we made a delicious version of PPFs "Never on Sundae". It was a great night and these ladies are TOO much fun. La da di, la da da!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Disney at Christmastime
We've done Disney in the summer, Halloween, absolutely dead in the winter and now at Christmastime. I don't think we will ever do Christmastime again, but we are glad we have done it once. We had a wonderful time, but the crowds were CRAZY. Yep, did you know that they can "reach capacity" at Disneyland and will turn people away? That happened one of the days we were there and we got a "backstage tour" to get us out of there safely after the parade on Friday. 

In spite of the crowds, we had a great time. Thanks to Ridemax, we had no trouble getting on every ride we wanted without long lines. We also ADORED the Christmas Fantasy Parade. But, mostly, it was all about the time together, the relaxing (we take Disney slowly and I don't cook), and not having to be apart with work or school. It was a blissful holiday.

We got to meet lots of new characters and got many other characters in new, holiday outfits. The girls' character picture books have gotten very fat and they are showing them to anyone who comes to our house! The girls loved opening presents at Disneyland and dressing up fun for each day in the park and coordinating those outfits with the days' activities.

Our favorites from the trip are as follows:
Laura getting on Indiana Jones for the first time, eating a huge ice cream, and being picked to go onstage for Drawn to the Magic
Sara bigger rides (Jumpin' Jellyfish and Soarin' specifically), meeting characters (Ariel most of all) and her stuffed Ariel
Sara bigger rides (Jumpin' Jellyfish and Soarin' specifically), meeting characters (Ariel most of all) and her stuffed Ariel
Eliza being worn by Mommy in the Moby wrap, and having so much to see (Small World and the Parade), and non-stop attention
Jason the time together to kiss his girls all he wanted and to get special alone time with each of them, and hand-dipped Corndogs
Melinda the smiles and looks of wonderment on the girls' faces, holding Jason's hand all day, the Baby Center

Here is our video that we made of the trip - thank you photoshop for making this an easier process. We had the video playing on our TV all morning Christmas morning to remind the girls what we did for Christmas. They have loved watching it!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Hints of Christmas
There are more little signs of Christmas popping up all over the house making me cheery! I found more apothecaries and they arrived in the mail. I think I am going to keep them up year round and fill them with season-appropriate candy.

Sara, another lover of fun socks, regularly dons christmas socks. She loves her Santa ones and light-up rudolph ones best. Poor Laura has to wear uniform socks most days and isn't joining in on this part of the season.

Delightful packages are appearing at our door. Yes, almost all bits of Christmas shopping that were not covered by the Disney trip were done online this year. Okay, and we couldn't help ourselves on a couple Cyber Monday deals - bottom package.
But, Laura sure is taking the time to read all the Christmas books I put out. And, she's wonderful about reading them to Sara as well.

There are babies sleeping in heavenly peace around here. Yep, Sara makes sure that Eliza always has baby Jesus from the nativity with her. Baby Jesus spends time in the crib, bouncy seat, etc.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Sara 2.5
Sara is two and a half today. My goodness she seems so much older than that. She has left all the baby stuff behind and just a pleasure to be with. She has conquered potty training with not a single accident in the past week, thrown away her binkies, and talks and plays like most 3 - 4 year olds. Fortunately, she still loves to snuggle and thinks I am cool, so she hasn't completely grown up.

Sara's currents are as follows:

Height: 39.5 inches
Weight: 38 lbs
Favorite color: pink
Favorite treats: starbursts (pink), ice cream, soda (pink soda), rootbeer floats (what she selected for a prize when she became the "potty princess")
Favorite food: salmon, noodles, tomato soup, french fries
Favorite game: dress-up, coloring
Hates: nursery, messy hands
Regularly used phrases: You hurt my feelings, I lug you, I'm not [adj/pet name] I'm Sara Rosalie Randall
Favorite Shows: Max & Ruby, Wow Wow Wubbzy, Barbie: Thumbelina and 12 Dancing Princesses, anything Ariel
Favorite Books: Knuffle Bunny, Pinkalicious, My Pretty Pink Purse, Olive the Other Reindeer
I often catch her: covered in bling, sorting anything - particularly my paperclips, singing in the bathroom, playing with mermaids, kissing Eliza, carrying around a favorite book and "reading it"

Sara has so much personality and makes me laugh regularly. My favorite two funnies this week were 1 - coming out of Walmart she hugged me and said, "Mom, it is way Brrrr out here." and 2 - to Jason while he was boosting her on the potty, "I no pee on Cinderella. I ask her if it's OK and she say 'No way, Jose'". She is also incredibly polite; always saying please, thank you and excuse me. And, she just has a way of charming anyone to death. I think her saying, "Name, you da best." Might help with that. Oh, how we love our Sara!!!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
First Week of December
Despite feeling worse than I have since I was pregnant - 6th kidney stone post baby, hernia, torn abdominal muscles, nerve damage with searing pain, IC flare, and hives all over my throat - I have done a few fun things this first week of December. (Aside to anyone who has encountered me this week: I apologize for my spaciness, impatience and constantly being on the verge of tears with all this pain. I really don't feel like myself at all and am taking all the steps I can to try to fix it, but it is going much too slowly.)
I went again to the Scholastic Book Sale . It was a great time being with Karyn, Andrea and Heather. And, a bonus was that I ran into Steph and Creed there too. I loved having a few moments without the kids and got some great items. Sara loved discovering all the new books in the box when I got home - though a few did get hidden for Christmas. I think Sara in the second picture shows how we all feel about books in this house.

I went again to the Scholastic Book Sale . It was a great time being with Karyn, Andrea and Heather. And, a bonus was that I ran into Steph and Creed there too. I loved having a few moments without the kids and got some great items. Sara loved discovering all the new books in the box when I got home - though a few did get hidden for Christmas. I think Sara in the second picture shows how we all feel about books in this house.

A favorite find was this book. Laura loves the Elephant and Piggie series by Mo Willems. She just thinks they are so funny. Yep, with all the new fodder around, Laura read a full 60 minutes by the end of Saturday! That makes for an easier homework week for all. Woot Woot!

Another great find was the "Olive the Other Reindeer" advent calendar. Sara loved it so much that she got into it when we weren't looking. Some of the little figures are currently missing, "12-15", and unless they are found, all thoughts of reusing the calendar are out the window. Fortunately, those days are while we are gone and won't be too terribly missed this year.

We also attended Jason's Mom's annual candlelighting ceremony this Saturday. Linda did a beautiful job on the party. It changed to a brunch this year and was very successful; I brought cinnamon twists. Poor Eliza (and even Sara - okay, and the very pained me too) just couldn't take the noise/chaos. Eliza wouldn't eat or sleep and just lost it after being there only 2 hours so we had to leave. Laura sure enjoyed herself and her time with Emily, however. And, me being super stressed over two upset babies only snapped this picture of the event.

I also have to mention how proud I was of Laura at the party. She was respectful, attentive and kind. Thank you, Laura for being such a great kid and wonderful example to your little sisters. I love you!
Eliza at 4 Months
Wow. Eliza is 4 months old. It feels like she has always been here. We all just love this kid like crazy. She seriously enhances all of our lives. 

Her stats that we got from her 4 month appointment are as follows (and they have now moved her from the preemie chart to the "regular" chart)

Length: 24.25 inches long - 90th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz - 60th percentile
Head: 39.7 cm - 25th percentile
Now, no one wonders why her cheeks are so chub-fabulous...small head plus good weight equals awesome cheeks. Oh, and we started her on some solids (rice cereal) in this past month and she loves it. Yep, just like her sisters, we can't shovel it in fast enough!

Eliza is still wonderfully good-natured. She charms all of us with her ready smile, her adorable little cough-laugh, her "angel talk" and tolerance. She loves to be held by anyone and deals with some serious love/smothering. Truly, she completes our family.
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