Her first concert this year was a Christmas Concert for the school (that I could not attend) and then a concert at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was chaos getting her home from school and up to SLC in time to perform. Thank heavens my parents came to help me out and drive me (the hormone crazy lady) up there and help me out with the little girls. I don't think I could've survived without them. THANKS Mom and Dad!!

We took a few moments to enjoy the beautiful tree and then we brought home the exhausted girls.

The next night was the parent's performance and so much more fun. The setting was relaxed, intimate and it was easy to see and hear the kids.

We could see the kids so well that Eliza kept escaping and attempting to reach Laura. I was really glad I had heard the performance before because I spent much of the time in the back with Eliza trying to keep her away from her sister. (Thanks Jason for all the pictures of the night.)

After the performance, Laura requested that we all go out for treats. Laura loved performing and being a perfect center of attention. And, I think she loved being with her grandparents and the root beer float as well.

This little girl makes me proud every time I encounter her. I love you, Laura! Your voice is beautiful; you sang perfectly; and you behaved like a lady! (And, I forgive you for dancing on my plants.)

We had such a lovely evening watching our dear Laura sing with such joy coming out in every word and action that her face just glowed. She loved it and so did we. Whenever we can spend time with our family is time well spent!
Laura is truly a special child! And, her voice is so exceptional. She sings as sweetly and beautifully as she is herself.