When we switched around Sara's bedroom furniture, I slept right next to her for the first time in years. I was shocked to hear that she not only snored, but also had sleep apnea. I recognized the sleep apnea from when Jason had it in our second year of marriage. Three days later we had seen a pediatric ENT and had her scheduled to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. The surgery took place today.
We took her to Primary Children's (SDS in Riverton) to make the experience as easy, kid-friendly, and comfortable as possible for her little body and nervous parents. It was the right move!!!

The staff was amazing. The environment was fun with games, wagons, toys, books, etc. All the medical equipment, medication, recovery process (go slurpees) was specifically catered to little kids and it worked. She was never scared, though rather hilarious on a medication they gave her to calm her nerves. She has been remarkable and has yet to complain of pain - we're pretty sure that will change tomorrow. Hopefully her build a panda bear will continue to help...she got her tonsils out too.
The doctor told us that her tonsils were huge before he went into surgery - he called them "kissing tonsils". However, when he got out, he told us that her adenoids were some of the biggest he's ever seen and that even with post-operative swelling, she is probably already breathing better than she ever has. We have both noticed this as she is sleeping without snoring and sleeping without the apnea - she's SOLID!

We hope that this truly will affect every aspect of her life for the better.