Well, we've all (excepting Jason, knock on wood) been sick throughout Easter time - and we're still sick. (Colds, coughs and a kidney stone.) Fortunately, we still had fun.
The eggs were dyed on Thursday. Yes, it took 4 adults to help 3 children dye eggs without a disastrous mess. We survived and the kids had fun.

On Friday, I went into Laura's classroom (one of the only days she's been to school in the past 2 weeks) and ran the easter party. Here class consists of 80% girls so I went craft centric with this bunny magnet and the bunny kisses. I also used Oriental trading for little activity books (Sara has loved these leftovers), we sang a silly song and had a treat. I had originally planned to do "bunny sack" races as well, but the weather did not cooperate. The party was fun and I loved it and the kids sure seemed to love it!

Easter Bunny Day happened once again on Saturday. The girls all loved the hunt and their baskets. Eliza "got" the hunt and was so much fun to watch. All baskets this year held candy, silly bands, Pez (Sara's fave), Lindor Balls, Super Bouncy Balls (Eliza's and Laura's fave) and wind up toys. Eliza had a fun Cinderella Dress Up as her big prize - which she happily shared. The big girls got kites - which we have yet to use because we're all still sick.

We had to miss church on Sunday. I was super bummed because it is one of my favorite Sundays with the focus on the Resurrection and seeing all the little girls (mine especially) in their Easter dresses. Fortunately, Jason managed to get the ham in the oven, my drugs kicked in, and we had a beautiful Easter dinner in our pajamas.

It was a wonderful holiday. And, just so anyone reading this can know...I Know that My Redeemer Lives!!