This was a big weekend Church wise. Big in that I spent ALL day Saturday doing Youth Conference, and big in that Laura made big progress in church.

Youth Conference was great. Some of the highlights were: playing and chatting with the girls; hanging out with the lovely ladies who came to Youth Conference; looking at the Manti temple; and seeing Brian (my friend Emily's husband) dressed up like Captain Moroni. I think it was a successful Youth Conference.

The other exciting event was how much Laura grew up in Church this last Sunday. She went to ALL of nursery all by herself for the first time. Hallelujah. Jason and I loved being able to attend Sunday School together and Jason got to make it Elder's Quorum. She also went up with the Primary to sing, "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home". We couldn't tell whether or not she was singing because she was so short, but she went up! She looked just like Kilroy...we could see her little hands on the edge and her head from the nose up. It was super cute.
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