After a hard morning's work on Friday, I decided Laura deserved some fun! Not that chasing mommy around the kitchen with the little vacuum wasn't fun, but the carnival was in town for Strawberry Days.

So, we called Daddy and he was more than happy to take his lunch hour and meet us for some rides. We got there right when the carnival opened and were able to walk right on to every ride. Laura rode the swings with both Mommy and Daddy. It was exceptionally fun to wave at the other parent on the ground. She had NO fear and thoroughly enjoyed herself on every ride.

She also rode the ducks. Completely by herself, we might add.

Laura was most excited to ride the carousel which fortunately got fixed just in time for one ride with Daddy. She wanted Grandpa, but Daddy did beautifully.

The cutest part was at the end of each ride, she would run to the other parent just squealing, "Daddy/Mommy, that was
SO much fun!" She also cried when we left because she didn't want it to stop. We're nervous that 6 days in Disneyworld just may not be enough for Laura.
Your kitchen looks like such a bright and beautiful room to be in!