This week had some definite high and low points. The low point was the dentist. Laura went to her first dentist appointment. She was all revved up and did great with the x-rays and laying down. The problems started when the cleaning began. Poor girl inherited my very pronounced gag reflex. She ended up on my lap for the last part of the cleaning and the exam. I'm sure glad we went to a pediatric dentist who has no problems with doing an exam on Mommy's lap. But I sure did learn something from this experience: when nauseous from pregnancy, do not take your gag-y daughter to the dentist.

One of the high points was working on all the valentines for her friends, cousins, and grandparents. This love of crafting just seems to grow and grow. It's truly adorable.

The other high point was all the excitement generated by the fact that she is having a little sister. She woke up the morning after we found out it was a girl and decided it was time to teach her little sister a thing or two. So, she got dressed up in a dress and taught her little sister how to "spin". Click on the picture to watch her!
Sorry about the dentist. Where did you end up going? Love the video!!! It's so cute!!