This past Saturday was the most fun ever! We started off the day by heading up to the Zoo. Our annual pass to the zoo is one of our favorite family things. Laura decided she was a big girl and was going to do the whole trip without the stroller. It was marvelous. She picked up one of the free maps at the entrance (these maps are totally kid-friendly with tons of pictures) and directed us all around the zoo. Here she is checking the map to let us where we were to go next. (I believe this particular time, it was to the bears).

It was a beautiful day at the zoo...not too hot and not too cold. And, it wasn't crowded at all. Plus, all the animals seem to prefer it when it's cooler. We got a great look at the cougar and spent some grand time with baby Acara. Laura got to see everything she wanted to see and got thoroughly worn out. Here she is with her Daddy at her favorite animal: the zebra.

The little girls were all VERY good. They all were dressed like princesses and got piles of priming in the car. Laura surprised the socks off me and lasted the entire 2 ½ hour program. She was very quiet (I think enraptured might be a better description) and loved to see the dancing and the beautiful costumes. I can't believe how big she has gotten. (Then again, a love of ballet is in the genes.) The only outburst she had came during the wedding pas de deux when she exclaimed with an "Oh, Mommy, they just had their second kiss," in the middle of a penche. But, it was adorable. I'm really grateful I get to go to the performance again with Jason because I think I only saw half of it for staring at my darling little girl. Here is a picture of all of us after the performance.

That is so cute!! The kids are getting so big. But I am totally impressed, it's hard to believe they can sit still for that long.