Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This year we were on rotation to do Thanksgiving with Jason's family.  Unfortunately, Keri's family brought a cat to Grandma Linda's house when they moved in and Laura and I just really suffer from allergies.  We thought she had pink eye when she came home from grandma's house recently.  Despite our best efforts to change it up in order to spend time there and make things easier on Linda who had just had surgery, things didn't work out.
So, we went out to dinner while the rest of them ate together at the house.  Tucanos was delicious! It was wonderful all week not to plan or shop and the cleanup was a breeze.  We did make homemade key lime pies and brought them over to the family for dessert.  We took both claritin and allegra and stayed away from soft surfaces/carpet and were able to be there about an hour and a half and chatted and played games.

The little girls had each had a stomach bug (that lasted 5 days each) in the weeks before.  It was super lucky that they had recovered by Thanksgiving.
I am so grateful for our blessings.  I am thankful for our little family and extended family and dear friends, for the opportunities the girls have to learn and grow, for an amazing husband who is my best friend and works so hard to provide for us, and for the Savior.


  1. 5 days of a stomach bug - oh my! Love your cute family!

  2. We loved Tucanos for Thanksgiving. It might become an annual tradition!
