Monday, March 26, 2007


I recognize I have been absent for the past two weeks. It shouldn't have been that long, so here are my excuses. We were out of town to Disneyland not this past week, but the week before. It was a grand time and once I get the video done (hopefully soon), I'll do a post about it. These are my favorite pics from the trip. (Let's just say Laura was in heaven down there!)

The rest of the time has been spent on house stuff. We closed on the loan, closed on the lot, and met with our builder. We have been getting our current house ready to sell (q-tip clean and clutter free) and it will go up this week. It's a little early, but we are terrified of two mortgages. And we finally got our plans back (have I mentioned how cool it is that we were able to design our own house?!) and they should be in to the city some time this week. Then the waiting begins. Here are our plans for you to look at in the meantime. Main floor then basement.No, you're not imagining's a typo (pain of all pain to me). The garage is 2 car, not 3 car.

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