All day yesterday, the big girls and I sang "Happy Half Birthday to you". I can hardly believe Miss Eliza is 6 months old. Though, my arms can definitely feel the difference and I had to switch her to 6-9 month clothes last week. Look how much bigger she has gotten!

Her smile is huge - she smiles with her entire body - and quick to come. My absolute favorite part of the day is getting her out of bed in the morning and the huge smile and flapping arms I get when she sees me. Yep, she melts me every single morning.

Eliza continues to be exceptionally content and easy-going. She loves toys and gets incredibly excited to have them. We say she is flying or flapping when she gets excited. She is getting quite coordinated with her hands and can manipulate the toys quite well and often will take her binky in and out. But, nothing makes her laugh and smile more than her sisters! And she is wonderfully patient with awkward Sara.

We all love to play the kissing game with Eliza. If you ask her for a kiss, "Can I have a kiss" she will open her mouth and dive for your face and kiss you. Sometimes she will even grab my face with her hands and then kiss me. After the kiss she gets bounced with a "Yay" and she grins her little face off. It is the favorite game for everyone in the house!

Eliza can roll from her stomach to her back and is getting great at sitting up. She also rotates all around while laying on her back with her little head as the axis point. I think I will feel confident with her sitting alone (without pillows) quite soon. She loves to eat solids and her favorite food is flavored oatmeal - applesauce and pears particularly. Eliza sleeps each night from about 8 pm until 9:30 in the morning with one quick bottle in the middle. She doesn't like to nap much and will only take two quick cat naps during the day. But, she is so happy, and sleeps so well at night, that I don't mind.

Eliza loves to talk and to watch her sisters. She also loves to watch basketball on TV. She revels in kisses, affection and backrubs.

Can you tell that we are all just a little obsessed with this baby?! Eliza is so easy to love, so happy, so fun, so affectionate. She is just our little magic, perfect, fake baby! We love you, our 1/2 year old!!
I can't believe that she is already 6 months either. Man does time fly by! She is such an amazing, perfect, loving and loved kido. We are so lucky to have her and she is truly the perfect addition to our family! We love you Miss E!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, you're so right, she is perfect! What a sweet little beauty. She's got Grandpa and I melted. I sure do love her.
ReplyDeleteWhat adorable pictures!!! Such a sweet little girl! And such a great sleeper--lucky, lucky mama!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful girl. All your girls are so cute! :)
ReplyDeleteEliza is sooooo cute. Her cheeks and tummy are so chubby and squeezable. Her smile is fabulous and I think her lips are gorgeous. What a beautiful child and I can't believe she sleeps like that. You are lucky.
ReplyDeleteWe sure do love that wee one! She is just perfect in every way!