Thursday, February 05, 2015

Zoo Membership

Our planetarium membership expired, so we decided to do a zoo membership this year.  They have a new Africa area and it's been a little while since we did the zoo.  Laura is thrilled to have zebras back!

Our membership includes unlimited rides on the carousel and train (currently closed for the season) and is super fun.  We've really enjoyed going in the colder weather.  The crowds are non-existent and the big cats are so active.
It's also fun to escape the cold in the small animal and reptile house.  Sara's become good friends with the giant tortoise and Eliza loves the alligators.
We also can bring guests for free, so we brought Ben, Alex and Jackson.  So much fun!


  1. The zoo has been so much fun! We're excited to spend the year with the animals and riding the rides!!! Who wants to come next? :)

  2. So fun. So nice to have something you can do together as a family!

  3. What great fun you always make happen!!
