Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New Addition

Addition to our family, not our house. We figured since pretty much everyone knows anyway, we might as well announce that we'll be having a new little spirit join our family. (I'm already showing and the regular jogs to the bathroom are enough to make anyone question) The doctor said that everything looks great, so we feel comfortable that all should go smoothly. The baby is due officially on July 5th, but the doctor said that he'll schedule my C-section at least a week before that. So, sometime in the end of June, Jason and I will be playing man on man with our kids. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to raise another of Heavenly Father's spirits.

Not surprisingly, I have been spending a lot of time in the bathroom. It is not nearly as bad as last time, but Laura asks me every day how many times I've thrown up. I'm hoping the major nausea I've felt the past two weeks is partially due to the "para-flu" that I have as well. If I could just get over it, I supposed I'd know. But, now you all know the reason for my lack of posting lately.

Here is a blobby ultrasound picture of our little one.

1 comment:

  1. Glad that the word is officially out. Congrats and hope you feel better soon.
