My goodness January drags on when you're stuck inside and dealing with morning sickness. The countdown to my big family Disney trip is 9 days according to Laura's chain. Yes, I'm counting it down too. Fortunately, we have found a few things to help beat the winter blues.
Dressing up is definitely one of the favorites!

We went to
Jungle Jim's with Steph's family.

Laura had a school fieldtrip to Albertson's. I loved seeing the back of the bakery, and was very VERY grateful we didn't see the back of the butcher shop. And Sara enjoyed her free cookie.

New foods are fun! Sara is really into olives.
Climbing is not one of mommy's favorites, but Sara sure seems to occupy her time this way when I'm not paying attention.

Deb has taken pity on me and
brought her kids over to play. Laura loves playing with Jacob.

What are you doing to combat the January blah's?
The children have the best idea for beating the dreary month of January....they stay happy and enjoy the all small simple climbing onto an upside down basket and playing with each other, family and friends. The girls just enjoy life...aren't kids great!