For Young Women's this week we did a GREAT activity. My friend Karyn planned an awesome fear factor. We stuck our feet in freezing water; passed raw eggs in our hands; ate worms; balanced; stuck cotton balls to our noses; and popped water balloons after unlocking a lock. It was a blast. This is me freezing my foot off trying to pick up marbles with it.

And here is Karyn (with Deelisa) showing off her plate of worms. She spent so much time on this activity and it was worth it!!

Laura has also been able to play with her friends quite a bit. She loves to play with the next door neighbor kids Ashton and Emma. She and Ashton had a great time last night playing soccer and blowing bubbles.

We also got to go to the park and play with her friends today. Yes, we've got a weekly tradition going here in the neighborhood of going to the park on Fridays. The kids have a blast. Laura was particularly happy to see her best bud Lily. We've both been out of town and the girls haven't spent much time together lately. They greeted each other with a big hug and then it was off to the slide.

Great pictures. Thanks for keeping your blog up to date.