Darling Laura has been in love with "baneenas" lately. She loves them for breakfast and for a nighttime snack, preferably with a glass of "berry milk". Here she is having one right before bed while enjoying an episode of Wonder Pets.

Here she is having another baneena right before heading off to Kristina's this morning.

She is also showing off her princess necklace that we made together last night...yes, she had to wear it this morning. Making it was the only activity she and I got to do together due to my exceptionally busy day. Have I mentioned that I need more time with my girl?!

Here's a picture of most of the girls at the YW activity last night: a really great fireside on temples by Andrea's uncle. The dessert (a fruit pizza made by the other Andrea) was so yummy. And, the extra strawberries she had me bring home chased away the dragons from Laura's bad dreams last night.

And, I just can't help but shove this picture in here. It's Laura with Grandma after dinner with them the other night. She dragged her away to sit and enjoy the view and handfuls of salt. Silly Boo!
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