Yep. Catching up is exactly what we have been doing this week. I caught up on housework and cleaned like crazy. We caught up on church work and all sorts of other things.
We caught up with our friends Emily and Brian and went to dinner with them the other night. Ahh, how I love sharing a good salad with friends. However, Laura would say that it's all about Mac and Cheese and cookies and playing with Daddy of course.

We also have made some progress on the house. Okay, that is what is taking up the majority of our free time. The Master bath has backerboard and paint on the walls. The new bedroom furniture (thanks Mom and Dad F.!) is in the garage ready to be refinished and space has been made in the basement for our old stuff until Laura is big enough for it. The upstairs railing has it's first coat of paint to match the other railing...Rustoleum finally produced our hammered brown in a can. However, Laura's favorite progress is the new bench in the laundry room. Isn't it just darling?! Eventually I want to re-cover the cushion, but that'll have to wait.

Karyn and I had a LOVELY day on Saturday at the General Relief Society Meeting in SLC. We were completely uplifted and had a great time. Here we are on the top of the Conference Center after the meeting. Oh, how I love the Salt Lake Temple!
I don't know how you guys get so much stuff done. Do you ever sleep?