I love the way my nearly-three-year-old's mind works. We read a story about little red riding hood and then watched the corresponding Dora. Naturally, my tender little girl decided that since her grandma wasn't feeling well, that she needed a basket of treats too. Darling, right?! However, the best part is that 3 days later, Laura was still determined to make grandma feel better with a basket of treats. So, last night, we did. We made some cookies and put them in the only basket we could find; Laura and Grandma didn't seem to mind.

Then we went to deliver them. Laura had to carry the basket; even in the car. Here she is in her red hood carrying them to the car. Look how proud she is of herself. Or perhaps she is just happy that I was willing to help her follow through with this idea.

I think her idea worked. She was so darn cute about all of this (and dunking cookies in milk while sitting on the counter at Grandma's) that I think Grandma really did feel better for the "basket of treats".

Jason worked on the house while Laura and I played "Little Red Riding Hood". He got the new light installed in the Master Bath. Here are he and Laura showing it off. You can see Laura's thumbs up and "DUDE!" comment in approval. (Her language was somewhat affected by her conversation with
Crush in Disneyland.)

Jason sealed the backerboard tape while we were at Grandma's and then started in on the new front door hardware. After tons of measuring, a serious kerfuffle involving a plate that was solved by Grandpa and another trip to their house, and some trepidation about drilling holes through our door, it got installed. It is SO MUCH nicer than the bland and trashed brass doorknob and deadbolt. Here I am showing it off with our new "No Soliciting" sign.

When I was younger, like 7, "No Soliciting" signs used to make me nervous. I always wondered if I was okay to ring the doorbell and solicit my friend to come out and play. At that time, I vowed I would never put one by my door so my kids friends wouldn't be scared. Now, living on a corner in what seems to be a prime neighborhood for door to door sales, I understand why a family would hang a "No Soliciting" sign by their door.
Laura is adorable as always. I want a visit from Little Red Riding Hood. Of course your front door looks great with the new hardware and the master bath is really coming along. Wish I could be there to see it in person . . .