Oh, I am a total slacker in the post department. I'll try to be more diligent this week. Consequently, I have a bunch of barely-related items to discuss.
My first ritual to discuss is a beauty ritual. Laura loves to have her fingernails and toenails painted. It is especially cool if there are sparkles on them. We got her all decked out the other day while Jason was finishing the destruction on the Master Bath. Here she is showing off her purple and sparkly nails.

Laura also has a very specific nighttime ritual. We must kiss in a particular order. Have her bedroom just so. And even the things we say at the door must be exactly the same each night. Here she is all set up for sleep.

Here is Laura participating in some history. A darling man from work gave this to me for Laura to play with. Isn't the handcart just adorable?! Plus, we can use it in YW as a visual aid because we're doing the handcart trek in Wyoming next summer. I love our clients!

Finally, we went to Brian and Stephanie's wedding luncheon at Ottavios. It was a lovely time and a great start to all the wedding rituals we participated in this weekend. Here's Jason with Brian. Isn't it crazy that they have been friends for 20 years?!
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