1. On Labor Day we went out to a great dinner/lunch with our friends Brian and Steph. The kids had a blast running amok in the restaurant and we had a grand time catching up with them. Steph is darling when she is pregnant and I hope the little "Anti-Barf Bag" I made for her helps her to feel better.
2. Laura and I both got haircuts. I needed to eliminate the length on my hair that always falls out post pregnancy (gag). Laura needed hers evened up. Her curls got cut off which made me super sad, but it is thick and beautiful. Check her out!

3. We all did lots of clothes shopping. We enjoyed the Labor Day sales and got some great stuff at the outlets in Draper. We got the dresses for the girls for our family picture as well as a lot of winter clothing for Laura at Osh Kosh. J and I got a smokin' deal on some Reef sandals.
4. Laura has played with her friends both Fridays at the park. She loved it and I loved talking with their mommy's.
5. Laura and I also made some Pink Oreos. Man, that girl loves to bake and man, do I love a convection oven. It may convert me from a "cooker" to a "baker."

6. I had even more fun with my lady friends when the 4 of us from the old presidency all went out to dinner to celebrate Andrea M's new job. Have I mentioned that I love these ladies so much! We chatted until they kicked us out of the restaurant. I really could not be more lucky to have such a fun, supportive and uplifting group of women in my life.
7. We started a new project at the cabin. Mom and Dad bought a great swingset and we began digging the holes. It was ROUGH! Fortunately, we learned that water helps loosen the "cement" that is the ground at the cabin and it should go faster later. Good thing, because the beginning about killed Dad and J.

8. We spoke in our new ward today. We got the assignment kindof late so it really took up our free time this week...the main reason we haven't posted. We spoke on service and it went well...at least I say Jason did awesome and he says I did the same. It's always nervous for me to speak and introduce myself to a new ward. Thanks to Mom and Dad who helped watch the girls so we could speak and provided a friendly face to look out to. Hopefully we are off the hook for a long time now.
9. Jason and Laura got to go to the Peter Breinholt concert. I was super bummed that I couldn't also enjoy the free tickets from Brian, but the sick baby would not have made the evening enjoyable for anyone. The two of them had a wonderful time snuggling and dancing to the songs. Laura also enjoyed hanging with some new friends in Joseph and Lindsay's kids who were there as well as Brian and Steph's little ones.
That about covers it and hopefully I won't get this behind again until sweat equity starts!
I didn't know you had to miss the concert. Sorry!!! I'm glad your talks went well. And I just love you ladies too!!!