Despite a cold that she just can't seem to shake, Sara sure has gotten more fun lately. First of all, she has gotten stronger and more sturdy. She's great at holding up her own head and doesn't seem so floppy. Also, she is just BIG. When we went to her doctors appointment last week she weighed 13 lb 15 oz and was 25 inches long. Yep, that puts her in the 97th percentile for both. Look at my preemie go! Fortunately she loves the swing and doesn't have to be carried all the time! (I'm not sure she loves how Laura decorates her while in the swing, but she is wonderfully tolerant.)

She has had her first bottle from Daddy and Sister and did quite well with it. (What else is one to do when the poor thing is so stuffy she won't nurse?!) Laura absolutely ADORED giving her sister a bottle and asks me at least once a day now if Sara will be eating from a bottle today.

Sara is also in love with her bath. She coos like crazy and gets so peaceful when she is in there. And, she puts up a major fuss - an "I'm mad" cry - when it's time for her to get out.

Most importantly, she is really really smiling a lot lately. We love doing whatever we can to get her to smile. She smiles with her entire body...throwing back her head and cooing. It is adorable. She prefers to smile while lying down; I think the cheeks are just to heavy to lift properly for a smile if she is upright.

The smiles are so cute!!! Love how good Laura is with Sara, I hope for the same!!