We did quite a bit this past weekend. Karyn and I took the kids to the Aquarium for a field trip for preschool. We began with a stop at Wendy's for lunch and then to the preview exhibit for the new
Living Planet Aquarium. It was kindof small, but the kids enjoyed it anyway. Sara was wonderful through the whole trip and enjoyed staring at the fish.

They really enjoyed looking at all the fish (the jellyfish were my favorite.) Laura also enjoyed playing in the coral reef and driving the pretend boat on the Great Salt Lake. But, she did NOT want to touch anything. After touching the sea cucumber I didn't blame her!!

On Saturday we took the girls to get their individual professional pictures taken. Laura got her 4 year and Sara her 3 month. It was a bit of a fire drill, but we got some good pictures...there were even some that captured a smile from Sara and Laura's real smile. We didn't attempt any together pictures; we are going to wait until the next time for those. Instead we just manage with the ones we take at home.

After the pictures on Saturday we stopped at the cabin briefly to get a few things done. The rain really did limit it to a few, but progress was made on both the deck and the swing.
Finally, on Sunday, Laura was assigned the scripture for Primary. We had worked on memorizing it all week at the dinner table. She did a beautiful job. She walked up and recited it perfectly, all by herself. She enunciated beautifully and impressed all the adults in the room. Here is a video of her doing it at home. We are so proud of our beautiful, smart and spiritual little Laura.
Love the video - so cute!!! And I understand the picture thing. We didn't do sibling picture professional until Emma was a year. Wish I could have gone on the field trip with you guys. Maybe the next one.