Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Eliza at 6 Weeks

Eliza is big enough that I now end the weekly posts and go to monthly ones for her. Wow, that went fast! Perhaps it went so quickly because she continues to be such a joy. She is almost always happy and loves to be chatted with, kissed and just be around people. Oh, and she still sleeps great...only up once a night to eat during a 9 hour stretch. Thank you, Babywise!
Eliza has grown marvelous cheeks and is getting a lot longer. She is also super strong and really starting to hold up her head, turn around, and move her arms and legs.
My only miserable experience with her so far was getting her professional 6 week pictures taken yesterday. She wouldn't wake up and was just miserable...she does not like car rides. I think I will have to try pictures on my own (on a dark background, so you can see her blessing dress) and miss the car ride. I hope I can get better results that way. Wouldn't you agree, that she is not looking her best in these pictures?!

**(Added on 9/16/09) I bought some black fabric at Walmart yesterday and when she was awake and happy today, I tried a few pics on my own. Even with only 10 minutes of effort, I like them much better and I think with some help from my Mom, I'll get some that are wall worthy.


  1. Oh! Such wonderful pictures, your girls are adorable and so perfect!

  2. Eliza is a little beauty, and growing so very fast!

  3. I love the new pictures on the black fabric. It's so nice to be able to see her dress. Cute little bug! She's just getting too big to fast!

  4. Great pictures Melinda! Love the dress and love our beautiful baby. How did she grow so fast?

  5. Black fabric is priceless for taking baby pics. They look great! She is adorable!

  6. Hey woman! How much was that fabric?! I totally need to get some of that!

  7. By the way, I need to get some of that because your pictures turned out much better than the professional ones. She looks a bit grouchy in those!

    Great job you!
