Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Eliza at Two Months

There's not a ton to write about with Eliza at two months. She continues to be a wonderful baby. She is super easy-going even with all the attention from her sisters. She sleeps beautifully and eats super well. She is getting more and more alert and smiles regularly - even though I can't seem to catch one of them with the camera.
Her stats for this month are:
Length: 22.5 inches - 90th percentile
Weight: 10 lbs 4 oz - 75th percentile
Head: 37 cm - 50th percentile (this must be why her cheeks look SO kissable...smaller head and lots of weight)
Here is her comparison picture. I can tell she is growing because the bunny doesn't look so ridiculously huge anymore.


  1. She is still "fake" baby so she is SOOO easy to love. Her sisters can't get enough of her and we often have to put her in her crib to protect her from the "love" of Sara.

    She is a lucky little peanut and we're lucky to have her. She is just what we needed in our family.

  2. She is a cutie-patootie! I hope that I have a "fake" baby next too!

  3. She is such a precious and beautiful little angel. I could hold and look at her for hours.

  4. How has she grown sooo big sooo fast???
    Honestly, she grows bigger each week! She is just adorable!
