Saturday, November 27, 2010

Well, At Least I'm Not Crazy

I have been sick for years. I have an auto-histamine disorder. Yes, my histamines are attacking the linings of my body. I hate it. However, I used to function pretty darn well and had learned to manage it (yay allegra and CLEAN living) comfortably. Since Eliza's birth, I haven't been my usual self.

After a bazillion trips to my GP and urologist, I finally broke down and cried to my GP because I was so frustrated. Those two doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. I was beginning to think that I was crazy - some kind of bizarre hypochondriac. The docs only knew that I had a ton of internal bleeding (coughing it up, throwing it up, and you know) and were trying to stop it. I had tracked my symptoms for months and found them cyclical and figured it was worth a trip to the OB/GYN despite my frustration and desire to quit searching.

Bless my OB/GYN. He found an answer for me. I am not crazy. I have endometriosis; really severe endometriosis. Yep, that's why there is blood everywhere and pain cyclically. Now I am working through treatment options. They have been really unpleasant so far and I have kindof fallen off the face of the planet. Sorry to all my family and friends for my absence. My body does not like uneven hormones. But, I am confident that there will be a solution and that soon I will feel better than I have in years.


  1. It is SOOO nice to have a diagnosis. Hopefully the new treatments will work and you can start feeling better than you have in years.

    I love you!!!

  2. Feel better my friend! I hope that you find a solution that works so you can finally feel well.

  3. Whew! It was a long time putting all the peices together but now you know and decisions can be made going forward! We love you...get well soon!

  4. I'm just catching up on blogs, so I hope that by now you're seeing some improvements! I can't imagine how frustrating it all must be and I'm glad SOMEONE finally had an answer!
