Thursday, May 31, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Laura's school does teacher appreciation week on the last week of school.  It's rough.  This year we were asked to bring sweets and a gift.  On the sweets day, we took an idea from pinterest and made it our own.
For the final gift day, we stuck with our traditional gift card, but dressed it up this year.  We also repeated this for Sara's pre-K teacher.  Once again, thank you pinterest for the original idea that we modified.  If you ever want them, I am happy to pass on the print and cut silhouette files I created for these labels!


  1. Great work on the fun creative ideas for the teachers. I know Laura loved bringing those in. It made her feel totally cool. Nice work, Mommy!!!

  2. Cute stuff. But I'm not a fan of teacher appreciation being the last week of school, that is rough!

  3. I definitely need a lesson on using print and cut, since you have mastered it! What cute gifts.
