Laura grew so much from this experience. Everything was so new and she took it all in stride; fortunately all the adults were spectacular teachers. She fell in love with improv and will be taking a class on it soon. It was also a first time for a long 3 week run, being a part of the playwriting process, and working with all adults.
We were so lucky to be brought into the Echo family. They are remarkable people! The cast of the show (that included the Echo owners) were clockwise from Laura: Hannah, Randy, Jules, Matt, Jeff.
I adored watching her sing and act so much. She made me laugh and brought me to tears regularly. The entire family loved seeing the show several times.
It felt strange not to be doing costumes (except purchasing a new Christmas dress for Laura) and we finally convinced them to let us help. We decorated the lobby.
This play was a big part of Christmas this year for our family and I'm sure we'll incorporate some of it's fun for years to come. We now have pickle ornaments on our tree and I get treated to fun performances like this one on a regular basis: