Laura has known for months that her pacifiers will be going away permanently on her third birthday. She's had them only in bed for ages, but "big three-year old girls" don't need binkys at all. So, we decided to make the letting go a little more exciting. They flew away by balloon.

We tied 7 balloons to the bag and had Laura put all her binkys in the bag. While she was putting on her shoes to go outside and let them go we lightened the bag so they would actually fly. (Not even a single binky in the bag allowed it to float.) So, we sealed up an empty bag with tape and Laura let them fly away.

She has had a rough time falling asleep without them, but has not asked for them. All told, the separation has not been quite so bad as we had feared.
I agree that it is not as bad as you think. But, we're with you, bedtime is definetly harder.