Friday, October 13, 2006

I'm Floored

We have laid the last piece of tile ever to be laid in our current home. Yes, we recognize that we are home-improvement junkies, but there is no other place to lay tile, so we truly are done! Jason took a half day off and my parents joined us for a tile laying session.

We decided to tile in a different order than usual and it worked out beautifully. We finished with all the cutting and got it mortared to the backerboard. The next steps, grout and sealant, are a breeze. We were floored at how much we got accomplished today. YAY! Not much more and the master bath should be done.Naturally, my parents were a massive help. Dad is a whiz at the tile saw and Mom has an eye that is unequaled. Plus, they watched the Boo for us while we got messy in the mortar. Laura read with Grandma and particularly enjoyed the Grandpa slide. Thanks for all your help, Mom and Dad!!! I'm floored at what a good team we make while laying tile.

Final thing I'm floored about: I did something crafty. Yep, you all should be floored too. Mind you, it was with much assistance, but I did it. I made this board (stenciled, a true craft, not my usual vinyl lettering craftiness) for an Enrichment activity. It fits perfectly in the laundry room. I must be branching out. Are you floored??

1 comment:

  1. I knew you could do it!!!!

    Missed you on Sunday, doing okay?
