Jason's family had a fast for his Dad on Conference Sunday. We hope this fast and our combined faith will lead to lowered PSA scores at his next test. Jason's sister Keri hosted at her new home. It's lovely.

There was lots of food, chatting and playing. I brought tetrazinni. It seemed to be a hit because almost everyone came back for seconds of the "noodles". Here's a pic of Jason with his siblings. It was a battle to get them all to sit down for it, but I need it for the wall. Fortunately, Keri understood and got them all together for me!

Laura did great at the party. She hung out with the girls and played with them all by herself. Also, she bonded with Tyler over a "banger" that made a noise just like the one she used on the "Buzz Lightyear" ride at Disneyland. Laura was thrilled to be with Grandma and showed off her nearly-reading skills to all the adults. Little Ham! Thank heavens her social skills have improved. Here she is with Daddy right before we left. She insisted on wearing two bows.
Wow-do Jason and his brothers look alike? I think so!!!