The majority of our sweat equity is done. 98% of the painting is completed (only a little bit of cutting-in and touch up left). Thank you to my sister Tana who painted so much of our house. She is a paint rolling whiz. We used a paint sprayer (well, Jason used while I kept the girls far far away) for the primer, trim, closets and ceilings. Then, we rolled the walls. That paint sprayer was miserable, but it was fast.

Also, all the floor tile is laid and grouted. Thank you to my Dad who cut a gazillion tiles, my Mom who helped me measure the trickiest cuts (I needed her brain desperately) and watched the girls so I could lay tiles, again to my sister Tana for helping me lay the tile and watching Sara so I could do even more tile, to Jason's brother Todd who was a master butterer and buttered more than half the tiles that are stuck to the floor, and to my nephew
Jordan who spent a majorly long night helping us get a huge jump start on the initial cuts and his wife Heather who helped us lay out tons of tiles. Also, thank you to my best friend Karyn who watched Laura for me for several days so I could work like a madwoman. Jason and I learned a new trick for grouting and that sped us along wonderfully. Now, all we have left is to grout the tiles in the shower and tub (that we didn't dare lay) and to seal all the tile.

There seems to be an end in sight for all things house thanks to all the help we received. The biggest Thank You of all goes to my parents who have fed us, housed us, worked beside us, advised us, and watched the girls SO MUCH! We couldn't have done it without everyone.
If everything goes as planned, we should be ready for a final inspection and be able to move in on Monday, November 19. Please, oh please let that happen. Because the house is almost 2 months behind schedule (a really lot when the initial schedule was only 4 months) it seems like it will never happen, but things really are coming together. All Jason and I have left to do is that bit on the tile, that bit of painting - including the exterior doors, the fireplace tile and staining the stair railing. Let's hope everything gets done.
Thanks for letting us see the house last night. It looks beautiful and you guys have done a wonderful job.