And isn't Sara cute playing when she's naked?! She had devoured a cookie and as much ended up on her as in her. She escaped while we tried to change her into clean clothes and this was the result.

My folks also got the girls a swing that we can use here on our deck, and also can transport it to the cabin when that swingset is in. The girls love it and I love that we don't have to go anywhere to use it.
Butter Pecan Ice Cream
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
1 cup pecan gems
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups cream (heavy or whipping)
1 1/2 cups milk
Melt butter in pan over medium heat. Brown pecans in melted butter while stirring continuously (there's a very fine line between brown and burned, trust me I know). Drain butter from pecans into separate bowl. Place pecans into freezer.
Beat eggs with whisk in yet another bowl until light and frothy (takes about 30 seconds). While beating the melted butter vigorously, slowly pour in about 1/2 of the eggs. Then while beating the eggs vigorously, pour the melted butter and egg mixture back in. Blend well.
While beating the egg/butter mixture, slowly whisk in the sugar (takes about 90 seconds) until you have a cake batter consistency. Add milk and cream and blend carefully as to not add any more air and whip the cream. Freeze to your ice cream makers specifications. Stir in pecans when frozen. Makes a generous quart. Great with caramel topping.
Oh how I love our girls. I don't know what we would do without them. It's like Melinda said, I can't believe that we've had Sara for a year already and Laura for four, yet I can't remember life without either of them. I sure love you girls!!