Reading You are reading at an astonishing level and read to your Mommy and Sara every day. Math You are adding and subtracting like crazy, and often ask to play the "plusses and minuses game" with Mommy and Daddy. School You love preschool and are sometimes frustrated that you didn't learn anything, but you love new friends and songs. Hobbies Dance is probably your favorite and you are excelling in your class. You still love to craft and play outside (I think riding your big wheel will quickly be added to this list), pretend, or play with friends. You also are an excellent helper and are always asking if and how you can help.
Friends You are always excited to see Grandmas and Grandpas and have a hard time sharing them. You also love playing with Lily and Emmeline. You also have lots of special big friends like Mommy's friend Steph and Becky next door. But, your favorite friend in the whole world is your sister Sara who you play with tons and she adores you for it. Color Pink...I wonder if it will ever change. Books The Little House series and the Mo Willems Pigeon books. Games I Spy, Mother May I, Simon Says, Teacher, Bonkers the board game. Places You are addicted to Disneyland, but you also love the Cabin and the Zoo.
What a wonderful little girl! And I might add, who isn't addicted to Disneyland?!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday our sweet Laura. We wish we could have gone with you! Maybe next time! We love you sooooo much. You have grown up so much this year! You are such a beautiful and sweet young lady.
ReplyDeleteSo old so soon? Happy birthday, Laura!
ReplyDeletewow, five. I can't believe you have a five year old! She is just so cute! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to my beautiful Laura! You have been a delight from the day you were born only 5 short years ago! You have learned so much and have taught we adults even more about life and loving one another! We love you sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday my gorgeous girl! I can't believe you're 5. Time just flies by too quick!