Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sara v 1.5

Can you believe my baby girl is 1 1/2 years old? She is so much fun that I can't imagine life without her, but I also can't wrap my head around the fact that she grew up so fast!
Here is some info on her at this exact moment in time:
Length/Height: 36.25 inches (so far above the 97th percentile that it's ridiculous...something like the 120th percentile; oh, and it is only 6 inches shorter than Laura)
Weight: 28.4 lbs (92nd percentile and 8 lbs less than Laura)
Noggin: 49 cm (97th percentile)
Activities: Reading, climbing into and onto everything, pushing people around (literally pushing people around from behind), jumping, playing pretend with Laura, taking everything out of it's correct place and tossing it on the ground
Vocabulary: I started to write them down, but got to over 100 words by noon, so I will not list them here. But, some of my favorites are handsome (to daddy), no sleep (at naptime), let go, share, read book lap (always together), candy, WAIT (to anyone leaving the house so she can give them another hug), doodle (she loves to color with a "penny"), thank you (pronounced "lank oo"), soda/coke, and walk hand (when she wants to walk like a big girl and hold your hand...or almost always, Lawa's hand)
Learning: Names of all her family and friends, names of characters, names of animals and their sounds (almost all of them), color identifying - green, yellow, blue, states/locations like in/out or on/off. She learns very quickly and amazes me daily. Guess she's got to keep up with her sister!
Oh, and nursery is not going so well. Thank heavens we have the most amazing nursery leader ever in my neighbor Holly and hopefully we will both be able to attend 3rd hour of church without a baby soon!


  1. Happy half birthday, my cute little monkey!! I can't believe how big Sara has gotten either and how fast. She makes us laugh every day and we don't know what we'd do without her.

    I love you, Sara!!!

  2. That picture of her with the HUGE soda is hilarious!

    What a sweet girl you have there! She is getting SO big SO fast! Slow down little lady!

  3. What a cutie!! She is soo big!

  4. Ack! Don't remind me that my Lucy is almost 18 months old too. sob. Sara is so stinking cute. I love how tall she is next to Laura in that picture of them walking. Happy 18 month birthday Sara! (and I hope you start to love nursery for your mom's sake!)

  5. She is so cute! What would it be like to have a child off the chart for height! Clara has just surpassed the 10% height category at her 9 months check up.

  6. You are going to have your hands full with her. I can't believe how much she knows. I just have to tell you that it must be because she has the BEST mom in the whole world! Kudos to you! You rock!

  7. Is she a cutie or what!!! Ya, we love our Sara! She is a very entertaining child...who needs TV when you have Laura and Sara around?
