Young Women In Excellence is completed. Phew. It was a total success! Our theme for the year was "Extraordinary Women" and it was an extraordinary night. We got every single one of our girls - including even the less active ones - to attend and to do a project for it. I also got a picture of each girl and her mom and a recording of each girl talking about how extraordinary her mom is. It took countless hours of time, but when it all come together in the video it was worth it and turned out beautifully. How I love these girls!

We decorated all afternoon with a beautiful pink and brown theme. Yes, the cultural hall looked like a wedding reception. But my favorite parts were the pictures of the girls and their moms behind the displays, and the table centerpieces. Aren't they pretty?!

Funny parts of the evening: My yummy food got whisked away from me quite a bit before I was done by an adorable and anxious Young Man who was doing the serving for us. I think it had the whole table laughing for 15 minutes. Also, I had technical difficulties with the video, which is really only funny after the fact and was exceptionally stressful at the time. But, consequently, because I messed up one of my girls' wonderful Mom tribute, I'm going to post an adorable picture of her family here. Sorry Danyelle!

I am so grateful the Lord put me in this calling. The women I work with are amazing, with strong testimonies, a great love of the girls, a good work ethic and great senses of humor. The girls I serve are beautiful, amazing, talented, sweet and fun! These women inspire me every day. And I hope, that I can be the kind of mom to my girls that my Young Women's moms are to them. To see the mom's faces as they heard their daughters tributes, was really amazing, spiritual and inspiring.
You were definitely called to YW for a reason. You help and bless those girls in a way that no one else can. And I GUARANTEE that you are absolutely the best mom in the world to our girls and they love you more than anything for it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your hard work in your callings, as our girls' mom, and my gorgeous, amazing, and perfect wife. Thank you for all you do. I love you!!!
Wow. All I can say is - I'm glad those days are over for me. I love the girls, but everything is so much work. You are an awesome leader!
ReplyDeleteThe video was great, and I thought it was the perfect way to end the night. (By the way, did you really have to post my picture?)
ReplyDeleteHaving planned and participated in many YWIE I can totally relate to the relief! It looked beautiful and the theme is beautifully coordinated with the decorations! Love the mother daughter pictures. Way to go!
ReplyDeleteMy joy is full as I, your mom, see what a beautiful, amazing, talented, sweet and fun daughter I am blessed to have. You are so dedicated to your calling and responsibilities and are teaching your own precious daughters to follow in the path of spirituality, and beautiful and righteous young womanhood which they see you exemplify. I pay tribute to you and love you very much.
ReplyDeleteMeinda what an extraorinary evening you helped to create for your girls. They are blessed to have you in YW. Melinda you are a very gifted young women yourself and I am so greateful to have you in our family and to have such a wonderful wife and mother for my son and granddaughters. You my dear, are extraordinary!