Saturday, June 27, 2009

Professional Photo Shoot

I sneaked in Sara's 2 yrs and Laura's 6 yrs professional pictures two weeks ago (thanks for your help, Mom!). I was amazed how many good pictures we got. I ended up wanting so many that it was just as economical to order the CD of the pics, so I can post them completely legally and print out as many as I want. Yes, the family will finally be getting wallets. Here are my favorites of the girls together!
I adored these super-close-ups!
These are great. A bonus since I ordered the CD is that I was able to crop these ones to be tight on their faces and match the format of school pictures for the grandmas and J's office.
Yes, I have put 8 up on the wall downstairs. Good thing there was a sale on frames at Michaels!


  1. Precious! They are darling!

    How are you feeling? It feels like ages since I've spoken with you.

  2. They are the cutest pictures. I still can't believe how good and cooperative Sara was for all of them. It's so unlike her! :D

  3. Those are great pictures! Your girls are adorable!

  4. I love them!! We went for family pictures awhile ago and they wanted to take pictures of just Clara but I told them no because we were only allowed to pick one pose for the deal we were getting and I would never be able to say no to cute ones of Clara! Your girls are adorable!!! I love how you hung them on the wall! I especially love the one of Sara leaning on Laura's shoulder!

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    your girls are the cutest little things! I love them to death!

  6. Love the pictures. What cute girls!

  7. Oh...I absolutely love the new pictures...the girls are adorable and we love them sooo very much!
