Monday, August 31, 2009

Eliza at 4 Weeks - Due Today

Today, Eliza is due. Oh, how glad we all are that she has been out for the past 4 weeks. I am feeling so much better. But, most of all we are all glad to have gotten to know Eliza during this time. Her cheeks and belly are growing bigger and more beautiful - oh how I love a chubby baby. And she is growing more alert every day.

We have spent much of this week doing some traditional home things. She has spent time in the bassinet that Grandma, Mommy and all Mom's siblings and all her sisters have slept in.
And she took a bath in the pink bathtub. Sara "helped" and Laura was wonderful and watched. Eliza LOVED her real bath, particularly getting her hair washed; yep, she's just like Mommy and Grandma.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Water at the Cabin

When I was little, we always used to use our "heavy, heavy, hangover" birthday wishes to wish for water at the cabin. But, I think we only meant it in the way that the little girls experienced it yesterday, not the huge flood.
When Jason and I got there, the cabin was raining. We shut off the water and Jason started mopping up (in tidal waves out the door) the two inches of water from the floor. The water heater had given out. I watched the girls and called Mom and Dad to pick up a shopvac in Heber on their way up. Jason killed himself getting all the water off the floor and out of the carpet. Thank you, J!
The girls then enjoyed more water while helping to mop the deck. It was not quite the relaxing trip to the cabin that we expected. However, we sure are glad we went up when we did and that Mom and Dad didn't have to handle this disaster alone.
Mom and Dad's bad day did not end with the cabin, however. They came home to a broken freezer. Poor kids! Fortunately, Steph and Larry were over and Larry helped Jason get their new freezer into their garage. Thanks guys!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laura Starts Kindergarten

Laura started Kindergarten today! It's bittersweet. It's so great for her to be in school, but Jason and I already miss our angel girl in the house.
Laura is so ready to be in school. They had to triple her assesment time last week because she assessed so high. I'm grateful that she'll be in a school that can accommodate her. Though they can't let her read at her exact level, (9th grade reading material addresses subjects no 5 year old should know about) her teacher has a special program all ready just for her. And, she will get to do math with a special group that will complete first grade math by the end of her Kindergarten year. We are so blessed to have gotten in this school!
Despite being so ready mentally, neither Laura nor I was ready for the emotional shock of school. She threw up at home this morning because she was so nervous. But, after lots of hugs at home and after Jason and I walked her in to her classroom, she seemed great. When I got back in the car, it was my turn to cry. It's the beginning of a new era around here!
After school, she came back bubbling and excited. She loved the little party my parents and we had planned for her. I think she will thrive in Kindergarten.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Eliza at 3 Weeks

There is not a ton to report on the Eliza front. She is getting more alert and fun every day. She sleeps beautifully (from 11:30 to 4, eats and then straight back to sleep until 7 am) and is just a magically good baby. If only Sara would sleep so well.
Eliza seems to be growing nicely and we are all enjoying having her in the house. We all love to stare at her and think she is beautiful. Sara thinks she is "so tiny" expressed in a very high voice. And, Jason and I just can't get enough of our last baby - yep, we are savoring her!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lovin' 'Liza

Eliza is getting cuter and more alert every day. And all of us are falling more and more in love with her every moment. Honestly, with this face and the fact that she is always happy, how could we not?!
Laura still adores having her "special Eliza time." It is what calms her down when she's sad and she tells us it keeps her from getting lonely. It comforts her so much she has even fallen asleep holding her. I love to watch Laura while she holds Eliza. I don't think I've ever seen Laura kiss someone so much, she just constantly snatches them while holding her. And, I love to hear Laura tell Eliza how much she loves her and anything else that may be on Laura's mind from Kindergarten to how the two will play when Eliza grows up.
Sara's interest and love for Eliza has not seemed to wane with time. "Can I kiss her? Can I hold her" are the questions I hear from her all day. Sara continues to be exceptionally gentle with Eliza; something remarkable for our crazy Sara and kisses and pats Eliza so softly. She also mothers her to death. Any time she hears a peep from Eliza, she will say "'Liza crying" and run to kiss her and get her a binky.
I think my favorite times are when I watch even more of my family together. I love seeing Jason snuggling all three girls in the morning. But, the moment that made me bawl was finding my three girls on the bed, Eliza in the middle with a hand on each of her sisters faces. Eliza was awake and rapt as both Laura and Sara sang "I Am a Child of God" to her. What a blessing these three girls are! And what a greater blessing that I get all of them and their amazing Daddy for's overwhelmingly wonderful!
Occasionally, Jason and I will get alone time with Eliza as well. We cherish these times! I just stare into that beautiful face and love to chat with her.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I have been feeling so great that despite having major surgery and a brand new baby, we have been able to have a bit of fun around here. We went up to the cabin with my parents on Saturday. It rained at the beginning, so we stayed cozy in the cabin. Sara played the piano. Laura hugged Grandma. Jason and Dad installed a new light fixture. I avoided the camera. And, Eliza slept. There is no better place than the cabin for a nap.
The weather cleared up and we had a few hours to enjoy the cool outside before my body told me to head home. We also had a bit of a celebration for Jason's birthday, thanks to my folks, the next day while we were up there. It was a great break. And look, Mom snapped a picture of our entire family!
Despite having given Jason most of his presents early (extra long pants, smoker, books, etc.) because I was worried about feeling well enough to celebrate on his very day, we were able to put together some fun on his actual birthday. Laura and I made a cake and Jason got sung to all day on Sunday! Happy Birthday, my love. Thank you for being the world's best partner and making my life so much better; you are brilliant, spiritual, fun, and perfect. I love you and hope you had a good day.
Today, Jason's work finally calmed down and he was able to take a day off. All of us enjoyed having him home! The big girls particularly loved that he helped them finger paint. Jason is a cool dad!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Eliza at 2 Weeks

Eliza is two weeks old today. It sure has gone by quickly. We went to the doctor today and got an update on her stats. They are:
Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz - 50th percentile
Length: 20.5 inches - 90th percentile (Do you really think she grew 3.5 inches in 2 weeks?! We have a feeling that initial measurement of 17 inches in the hospital may have been a little off.)
Head: 34.5 cm - 50th percentile
Here is her 2 week bunny comparison picture.
And here are some pictures of all the family at about the same age. Who do you think she looks like?



Monday, August 10, 2009

Eliza is One Week Old

Eliza is one week old today. She is perfect. Truly! It kinda feels like she's fake. She has no tummy troubles (except hiccups) and therefore is a great eater, sleeper and is so easygoing. Yep, apparently the old adage of bad pregnancy = easy baby has come true. Mommy feels better than she has in months! Thank you, Eliza.
Eliza's eyes are quickly turning a dark brown and we love to stare into them. Her big sisters adore her: Laura cannot fall asleep without her special Eliza time; and Sara is always telling Eliza "Love you, 'Liza" as she asks "Can I kiss 'er" and was thrilled to discover when Eliza kissed Sara back (Eliza was hungry) this morning that "She loves me. She really loves me!"
I can't help but take a ridiculous number of pictures of Eliza. Here are some of my favorites. And yes, I was experimenting with Black and White to use for her baby announcements.

Also, we are beginning on the comparison pictures for Eliza like we did with Sara. I am trying it with a bigger animal (bunny this time) to hopefully make the comparisons a bit more obvious for longer. She looks ridiculously tiny now! But, then again, she is tiny - I keep having to remind myself she was a full 4 weeks early. We are using newborn sized clothing for the first time ever and it is still too big.

Friday, August 07, 2009

4 Days Old

Eliza is getting more alert and more fun every day. We took advantage of one of her awake times and got some good pictures of her. You can see her big dark eyes and exceptionally long fingers in them.

She really liked sitting up in the boppy

What's that...a fist?!

Her peaceful face. The way she spends almost all her awake time.

Big Yawn...How many pictures are you going to take, guys?

Eliza loves kisses. And we love to kiss her!

Her whole little self!

We all love to kiss on her and snuggle with Eliza. The girls have been amazing with her! They have not lost interest, are super tender and soft, look out for her at every turn, and are smothering her with love. Eliza is one lucky little girl to have such great big sisters.

Another one of her favorite things is to snuggle on Daddy's shoulder. Doesn't she just look tiny?! We have to enjoy it; it sure doesn't last long!
Eliza did not like her bath, however.