Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Misc Summer Fun

Too many small summer things to do a post about each.  So, I'm putting them all - with their terrible phone pics - here!

I found a wonderful sale on our favorite princess and fairy dresses - we're talking only $7 or $10 per dress.  I stocked up, then cleaned out the old and organized.  There have been HOURS and hours of fun and performances!
We went to the zoo on Memorial Day.  We went right when it opened to avoid crowds, which worked.  All the new stuff is wonderful - I loved having seals and a polar bear. It was so wonderful that we bought annual passes.  So, if you want to come with me, I can get two people in for free!
 We've been spending time at parks with friends and holding new babies!
I hosted book group.  We have been going through the authors that are coming the the BFYR symposium that I'll be attending.  I'm glad to have read everything of theirs before attending.  Oh, I did the most delicious and simple treat for this one - strawberry shortcake with berries and pound cake from Costco and some fresh whipped cream.
Jason hasn't been able to work at his office while they've been remodeling.  So, he did a lot of work one night so we could spend the next day at the pool!  Great times!
 We've had our first hawaiian shaved ice of the season.  I forget how delicious they are!  The little girls love orange dreamsicle, I love passion fruit, and Jason and Laura go for Tigers Blood.


  1. Isn't dress-up the best! And the zoo, so fun! I love spending time at the pool. And definitely need to get one of those Hawaiian shaved ice. Yum!

  2. Tyler and I LOVE the zoo! We will have to take you up on your offer sometime! Especially since we love spending time with you and your girls too!

  3. Looks like you have been having a great time!

    We would LOVE to go to the zoo with you. We are done with swimming lessons for the next two weeks, so let me know and we are there!

    I also want to know where you go for Hawaiian ice? We haven't had any, but it looks delicious! I should definitely take the boys and go!

  4. That was so much fun!!!!11

  5. It was a great week leading up to our vacation! It was a bonus within a bonus!!!!
