This Sunday we got to watch Clara, Karyn's new baby, be blessed. It was strange to be back in the old ward - it is so different from our current ward. Each ward definitely has distinct strengths and weaknesses and it seems that where the old ward was strong the new ward is weak and where the new ward is weak the old ward is strong.
Being there also made me feel really old. The 9-year old boys we started off teaching in Primary are now passing the sacrament. And, one of my initial Laurels is married and expecting a baby in only a few months. Also, I realized that I met Karyn when our Laura and Lily were just barely a year and we only had one child. Now we have 5 kids between us. Wow!

The blessing was absolutely beautiful. And, we got to stop by Karyn's house afterwards for a get-together. All the pictures were taken there. They seemed to be all very girl-centric. I am very lucky that my best friend happens to have a little girl just the right age to be a good friend to my girls. Look at us all!

Sorry we missed you on Sunday. It sounds like it was a nice blessing day for Clara.