We have also been doing a lot of work with her digital camera and the cool software it came with. Look what Laura created. She wrote all the words completely by herself...alas, she could not find the space key.
And tonight I let her stay up a bit to watch the Jazz game with me and have a treat. Okay, I may have just been in desperate need of some snuggles from my girl! But, it does seem that any time she stays up to watch the game, the Jazz win. We made the evening fun by making Rice Krispie Treats! Isn't she just darling in her crown and apron helping me out?!

Sara, however does not seem to be quite so happy with having only me around. (I am actually pretty certain that she is working on cutting her bottom teeth, which is probably the main trouble.) For some reason she has given up her long afternoon nap and replaced it with a little catnap. This has led to crying and a generally grumpy disposition for Sara every afternoon. In the middle of her huge crying jag today, the only happiness was a bath. And, the attempt to get her seven month pictures went terribly. I think I'll reattempt those pictures when I have reinforcements.

The girls are so cute!!!! Glad your surviving alone. Let me know if I can help.