I love living near family. I love being included in my family's special events (see
wedding post earlier for even more of this wonderfulness). My brother's family has included us in two wonderful ones lately!
Jeff, my so cute nephew that all my girls adore, just received his mission call. We were invited to attend as he opened it.

It was wonderful to see his excitement and the missionary glow, his family as they were so proud of his decision, and my girls learning how important these LDS milestones are. And, the girls also asked Jason about his call and got some family history out of the experience as well.

Jeff was called the Montreal, Canada (french speaking) mission. And he'll be leaving in mid-September. Thank you for including us and being such a great example, Jeff!

My adorable neice Becca graduated from High School today. I got a sitter for Sara so I could enjoy the event and brought Laura and Eliza to the Marriott Center. Laura really looks up to Becca, and I encourage it!
This adorable girl graduated with a 4.0 for all 4 years, piles of friends, musical and swimming talent, a powerful testimony, wonderful relationship with her family, and just so cute and modest and attentive to my girls! Yep, her example is a great one of an intelligent girl who has got it all together - just what I would like my girls to be!

Becca spoke (Best speech of the day and you can
see it here!) first and walked almost last. And our usually quiet family hooted and hollered loudly for her. (Yes, I used to have a headache coming from Jason's family parties because I was used to my big quiet family instead of a big boisterous family.) Her brothers were awesome, parents proud, grandparents excited and we were super happy to be included in the celebration. I also love that my girls get a taste of big brothers in these events too. Could you move away from all this?! I can't!
I picked up Sara and we went to my brother's house for lunch and to celebrate her again! The girls loved being with their cousins, and I loved being with their family!
Amen! How could you ever leave this much family?!